Vodka Vagina Vanity is a thriller book revolving around a young actress Sherry. Her life is full of drama and adventures, and she enjoys every part of it. Suddenly, she has to face a dangerous situation, where she has no idea what to do or who to ask for help.
She then seek help from four married men who went out with her for some help. But all of them refuse to assist her, and then out of rage, she writes a book about these men to destroy their reputations.
Will, she succeed in destroying them? Or will she go down?
Check out this book to know more.
This story is about trust, infidelity and ambitions. The plot is very unique and well narrated. The writing style on the other hand is elegant and easy to understand. It is very intense and full of suspense. The characters are well described as well. I enjoyed reading it but it’s one time read.