When someone is in your heart, they're never truly gone. They can come back to you, even at unlikely times.
~Mitch Albom
Highly Recommended!📖
What a heart-touching book! I cried throughout the book. It will show you how a mother goes through different challenges just to make her partner and children happy. You will come across the one real and purest love in the world that no other person can give you. Love without any boundaries.
Hope in every difficulty.
A pillar during negativity.
For One More Day takes you through a journey of a ghost which is meant to have an escapade with someone closer to heart. The story is about Charley Benetto whose life is wiping out and is about to die. When he gets to know that he wasn’t even invited to his daughter’s wedding, he lost all his hope for his life and was ready to give up.
So he takes a ride to his birthplace, he comes up against his dead mother and felt that everything was normal. Occurrences from his past are brought in that time and those flashbacks made him realize so much about his mother. Her mother always stood up with him no matter what the situation was, even if he never supported her every time. That one day with his dead mother made him realize how out of contact he was with her mother. As his life comes to an end, he unwinds a shocking truth in the end. Also, he gets a chance to express his feeling to his mother, but she already knew.
This book is a masterpiece. It is very intriguing and beautifully depicts the mother-son relationship. At times, we postpone visits to our loved ones, taking them for granted and realize they are no more. And then we mourn that we should have spent some more time with them, we should not have said things that hurt them. This haunts us forever.

This book teaches that we should never take anyone for granted especially our parents because we never know what may happen and we might not get another chance. There are a few words quoted by Charley’s father, mama’s boy or daddy’s boy Chick? When he recalls this statement, in the end, his mother made him realize that ‘a child should never have to choose’.
I don’t know whether I have completely justified my feelings through this review but this book has my heart. After reading it, I love my parents more and more.
Hope you like it! Connect with me on Instagram: the._bookarazzi