🌸But maybe everything'll go all right. In this world you've just got to hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take what ever God sends.🌸

Anne of Avonlea is a second book from Anne of Green Gables series. Ahhh, I love Anne!♥️
In Anne of Avonlea, her life is described after four years, that is when she is sixteen years old.
Anne has completely changed after four years. She has turned out to be very matured as compared to her naughty and improper behavior before 4 years. Now, she has become a teacher at Avonlea School, so is the name of the book.
This book describes everything that she has acquired being a teacher. This book also talks about how Anne and her friends start a Village Improvement Society for improving the structure of their village. Though, not everyone supports them, but they still do not give up and carry on with full enthusiasm.
I enjoyed this book, seeing how Anne has blossomed into a young school teacher. The character Davy, enlighten the book with his notorious actions. I like Davy very much. This book is not only for children but also for readers of any age. This series soften your mood. It is a light read.